We love our pets, and it is hard to resist giving them a treat or two from the dining table, especially when they look so cute! What you should know is that even if it will seemingly make your pet happy, in the long run feeding your pet to human food can be detrimental to their health. Our Caudle Vet Clinic team would like to share some of the reasons human food is not great for your pet so you can stay informed!
Risks of Giving Your Pet Human Food
Pets’ digestive systems are very different from ours. They are not able to tolerate certain spices or salt and sugar contents of the food that we consume. Here are some specific reasons human food can be unsafe for your pet!
- Weight Gain: Even if the nibble of food you sneak your pet may seem small, it likely equals a lot more calories for them than it does for you! Small bites of human food here and there can add up, and cause your pet to develop diabetes, arthritis, or heart disease.
- Toxicity: It is hard to tell what ingredients are used in foods, especially if you bought something from the store or a restaurant. Onion and garlic is toxic to pets, and is a common ingredient in many dishes. Human food is generally too rich and fatty for pets to digest, and they may vomit, have diarrhea, or even develop pancreatitis as a result of eating it.
- Unwanted Behavior: Rewarding bad behavior at the dinner table by giving your pet human food can reinforce these patterns and make them hard to break. Your pet may also become inclined to eat human food that is on a table or countertop if they can reach it, and they may begin to refuse eating their own food altogether.
Top Human Foods to Keep Away From Your Pet
- Since it is hard to tell what is in human food, it is important to stay away from giving your pet a bite of your meal. There are a number of types of food that can be toxic to your pet, including but not limited to:
- Avocados
- Candy (particularly candy containing xylitol)
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Mushrooms
- Raisins
- Grapes
- Yeast Dough
- Garlic
- Onion
- Raw bones (splintering can cause internal damage)
- If your pet has consumed human food and is reacting poorly, it is essential to urgently get them the proper care. Be sure to call Caudle Vet Clinic right away, especially if you are unsure what your pet is reacting to. Getting your pet to the vet in a timely manner will help save their life.
Our staff loves taking care of your pets and wants them to be happy and healthy. Caudle Vet Clinic is available for appointments or emergency care at (615) 227-6230. Give us a call if you are in need of assistance!